Pluto: Sample Selection for Robust Anomaly Detection on Polluted Log Data

Published in Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data (SIGMOD), 2025

Log anomaly detection, critical in identifying system failures and preempting security breaches, finds irregular patterns within large volumes of log data. Modern log anomaly detectors rely on training deep learning models on clean anomaly-free log data. However, such clean log data requires expensive and tedious human labeling. In this paper, we thus propose a robust log anomaly detection framework, Pluto, that automatically selects a clean representative sample subset of the polluted log sequence data to train a Transformer-based anomaly detection model. Pluto features three innovations. First, due to localized concentrations of anomalies inherent in the embedding space of log data, Pluto partitions the sequence embedding space generated by the model into regions that then allow it to identify and discard regions that are highly polluted by our pollution level estimation scheme, based on our pollution quantification via Gaussian mixture modeling. Second, for the remaining more slightly polluted regions, we select samples that maximally purify the eigenvector spectrum, which can be transformed into the NP-hard facility location problem; allowing us to leverage its greedy solution with a (1 − 1/𝑒 ) approximation guarantee in optimality. Third, by iteratively alternating between the above subset selection, a model re-training on the latest subset, and a subset filtering using dynamic training artifacts generated by the latest model, the data selected is progressively refined. The final sample set is used to retrain the final anomaly detection model. Our experiments on four real-world log benchmark datasets demonstrate that by retaining 77.7% (BGL) to 96.6% (ThunderBird) of the normal sequences while effectively removing 90.3% (BGL) to 100.0% (ThunderBird, HDFS) of the anomalies, Pluto provides a significant absolute F-1 improvement up to 70.40% (0.62% → 71.02%) compared to the state-of-the-art sample selection methods.

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Recommended citation: Lei Ma, Lei Cao, Peter M. VanNostrand, Dennis M. Hofmann, Elke A. Rundensteiner. Pluto: Sample Selection for Robust Anomaly Detection on Polluted Log Data. Proceedings of the ACM on Management of Data 2025 (SIGMOD '25)